Monday, January 23, 2012

The Deer are back - and so is the snow!

When we moved into this apartment last year we were thrilled to find out that there were deer in the neighborhood.  We would see them almost daily for the first few months and then during the summer they disappeared.  Saturday morning we looked outside and there they were - maybe the snow made them more visible - but they had multiplied.  The two had become three.  We enjoy watching them as they look around for the food that is left out for them.

In regard to the snow - many people have asked me if I'll miss the winters when we move.  The short answer is NO.  Friday was a prime example of why.  We knew that a winter storm was coming and was due to start in the afternoon.  Sure enough, right on schedule, the snow started about 2:00 p.m.  This was the large wet flake type of snow that when it lands and is driven on becomes compact and turns into ice.  When I left work at 3:30 p.m. I had a nice amount of snow to clear off the car and then headed out to Dartmouth to pick Pat up from his work.  This trip usually takes me between 20 - 25 minutes.  Friday was a big exception.  The roads had quickly become like skating rinks and I got stuck in one traffic jam after another.  At 6:00 p.m. I still hadn't made it to Pat's work and decided to veer off into a restaurant.  Pat walked from his work and said that there is no way that I would have made it to his work anytime soon.  We decided relax and enjoy our dinner and hopefully the traffic would have cleared by the time we finished.  Unfortunately,  that didn't happen - the road was still bumper to bumper.  We decided to head to the MicMac Mall until the road would be clear enough to drive home.  We finally made it home at 9:00 p.m.  So... to all you folks who are asking - NO, I will not be missing winter any time soon!

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