Saturday, September 7, 2013

San Salvador District Convention 2013: Pat's Interview

Pat had the privilege of being interviewed on Sunday morning for the part: Help your Children "Go On Walking in the Truth" (3 John 4; 2 Peter 1:5:11). He explained how his parents helped him to remain strong in the truth. Knowing that many of you back home that follow our blog would be interested in what he said, here is the printed version:

1. When did your parents start helping you to develop "fire resistant Qualities?  
My Mom started studying when I was three, I have very foggy memories of sitting under the table, and I have been told that is where I was when she was studying. My Dad came into the truth three to four years later. From my youth  the things that I remember are that Mom and my sister and I read a portion of the Bible at lunch. Dad did the family study when he came in the truth. While growing up my parents supported the circuit Overseer by inviting him to stay at our home. They also had a pioneer couple over on occasion for a meal and to play cards. We enjoyed trips to conventions as a family. And during the 9 day conventions Mom and Dad took a day off in the middle to give us kids a bit of a break. Service on Saturday was a must as well as all of the meetings.

2. What do you mean when you say meetings were a must..?
We were expected to  pay attention look up the scriptures and we were encouraged to have at least 1 comment each meeting.

3. What did your parents do when you were in your Teens ?
I was encouraged in my early teens to get baptized and dedicate my life to Jehovah, which I did in 1969. I was also encouraged to continue my education till grade 12 so that I could at least secure a reasonable job. During the school year there was a young pioneer brother that came and picked a few of us up after school and took us in service, which I am sure was encouraged by my parents.

4. How did the training from your parents help you going into your adult years?
Mom and Dad thought they would like to serve where the need was great, so they bought Spanish records and we all got into them. So they wrote a letter to the Bethel and asked where they would be needed. The answer we got back took us by surprise because we were directed to Halifax, Nova Scotia. So, off Mom and Dad went to Halifax to spy out the land. Soon thereafter I was pioneering in Halifax for two years.

I must say at this point I have never been a ball of fire in the truth. But for 44 years I have been steady and determined to stay with Gods Organization I have not once deviated from the truth. There have been times that problems have entered into our lives, both as a family with Mom and Dad and with my wife and kids. The scripture that keeps me holding it together is found at John 6:68 where Peter replied to Jesus after many disciples had left him."Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life"

Thanks to Rachel Matthews for the  following picture:

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