Thursday, June 14, 2012

León, Nicaragua - June 14, 2012

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but sharing a computer has presented it's difficulties. Pat is often busy on the computer updated the congregation territories or some other related work. Also, since we tend to be out in the ministry at the same time, we are also home at the same time and it is a fight to see who can use the computer.... ok, not really a fight, but let's just say a challenge!

I found this notice on the sidewalk as I was returning from town - my guess is that we aren't the only ones having problems with thieves. I'm not sure of the correct translation but I know that Ladrones = Thieves.

We have had some exciting times in service this week. One big challenge has been working an area that is close to our house. It is a very complicated series of "apartment blocks" and it was decided that we needed to update the census. Pat ended up having to redraw 5 territory maps since we found that at least two maps overlapped and had the same block in both. While out conducting the census yesterday we went to a house and the lady said that she didn't speak English but her niece did. She pulled out her phone and gave her a call. She handed the phone to Pat and he spoke to the niece for a few minutes. We made arrangements to meet Fatima at 3 pm at her aunts house. When we returned later in the afternoon she told us that she has been reading the magazines at her work which is one of the local hostels. She said that she is the manager there and when she has made up the schedule she will let us know when she is available to have a bible study!

Yesterday when we went to the service arrangement one of the Spanish brothers told Pat that someone had been looking for him to have a study. Pat wasn't able to get all the facts from him but this morning one of the young brothers in our congregation was able to find out the contact information. We went to the fellows house right after the arrangement but he had already left for work. This time however (poor Pat has been calling at the house at all hours) the woman gave Pat directions to where the fellow works - so off we go into León centro to find this fellow at work. When we found him he invited us all in (three of us) and we sat down and Pat started the study with him right away. Pat and Sergio will return next Thursday morning to continue.  So, our days are getting filled up with territory, studies and return visit. A good mix for keeping us on our toes.

We have also been keeping up with our chores. One new one for Pat is cutting the grass. Now, we didn't see the need to purchase a lawn mower, in fact, I don't think we have seen any for sale. Pat decided to use a kitchen knife for a machete to cut the grass the way we have seen the locals do it. I'm glad to report that he only had a small mishap and still has all his fingers and toes.

Also, in regard to our garden. Our plants have been identified. We have approximately 10 little papaya trees growing! Considering we've only had a few papayas since we moved here it would seem that they are very easy to grow. We also have two tomato plants, a lime tree and what looks to be pepper plants.

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing your pix and so sorry about your computer.
    How are you doing with Adsense? suggested writing for for income. Have you discovered any viable sources of income?
    Take care and keep up the writing.
